Newtown Creek Water Pollution Control Plant, Brooklyn, NY
Agency: New York City Department of Environmental Protection
Location: New York City, New York
Cost of Construction: $5 billion
Completion Date: 2019
CSM has served as a subconsultant to the Hazen and Sawyer, Malcolm Pirnie and Greeley and Hansen JV team for the past 20 years.
As this project has had an ever changing list of needs, CSM has been called upon to provide staff in the following roles: Resident Engineer, Office Engineer, Electrical Engineer/ Inspector, Mechanical Engineer/Inspector, Cost Estimators, and Civil Inspectors. We have had approximately 26 staff members on this job.
The project scope included demolition of existing structures, construction of new building facilities, grit chambers and settlement tanks. CSM’s staff participated in the following contracts:
Contract No. 27 Construction of the C.M. Building
Contract No. 29 Reconstruction of multiple roads of Kingsland Avenue including; new storm and sanitary sewers with house reconnections, water mains with hydrants and hydrant branches, and new water services
Contract No. 31 Sludge handling facilities; 8 digesters and 24
new centrifuges
Contract No. 35G and 35E North Battery of Aeration and Final Tanks